【环球新视野】Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:Wuhans Only Ancient Camellia Tree in Full Bloom
来源:极目新闻    时间:2023-04-29 06:15:44


Wuhans Only Ancient Camellia Tree in Full Bloom


古山茶树 The Ancient Camellia Tree

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 陈希

摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 李辉

通讯员 赵辉 杨蕴焓

翻译:吴智丽 王涛 韩晓龙(湖北大学)

JIMU News Reporter: Chen Xi

Photographer: Li Hui

Correspondents: Zhao Hui, Yang Yunhan

Translators: Wu Zhili, Wang Tao, Han Xiaolong(Hubei University)


With more than 30 thousand flowers blooming, the old camellia tree aged 510 shows its vitality in full bloom.


This old camellia tree, which stands atop Mu Lan Mountain in Huangpi District, is the only ancient camellia tree in Wuhan, and is listed as a first-class protected ancient tree for its uniqueness.



Unique unipetalous camellia withalong florescence

武汉木兰山半山腰景区管理处旁的木兰花苑,安居着一棵见证了500多年风云变幻的古山茶。这棵山茶树高8.5米,胸径约41厘米,一人可以环抱。 近日,记者见到这棵古山茶时,一树繁花红似火,招蜂引蝶,还有花苞正冒出,旁边有一片山茶林陪伴着它。

In the garden next to the Scenic Area Administration half way up the Mu Lan Mountain, there stands theancient camellia tree which has a history of more than 500 years. The tree is 8.5 meters high and has a diameter at breast height of about 41 centimeters, enough for it to be wrapped around by the arms of just one person. When the reporter saw this ancient camelliatree, itwas accompanied by a camellia forestand was full of red flowers. With its blossoming flowers and buds under growth, the tree attracted swams of butterflies and bees.


“It is the most-treasured representative of Mu Lan Mountain”, said Wu Tian, director of the Economic Development Office of Scenic Area Administration in Mu Lan Mountain. According to the director, this ancient camellia tree usually buds in winter and blooms from early March to mid-April with a long florescence of about 45 days. This year, it bagan tobloomon March 8th, and will continuefor another 10 days . The Administration has assignedstaff to tally the number of flowers each year in recent years, and it turns out that this ancient tree has had 38 thousand flowers in the past few years.


Shi Hongwen, a senior engineer of Wuhan Instituteof Landscape Architectureand the director of Wuhan Ancient and Famous Tree Protection Research Center, introduced that majority of the common double petal camelliasare artificially cultivated horticultural varietieswhile this ancient camellia is a single-petalvarietyand relatively primitive varietywithout artificial intervention. “Judging from its leaves, deepcolor, and vigorous blooms,its safe to say thatit is still in good condition”.



Special Care for the Ancient Camellia Tree


What special care does the ancient camellia tree need?


“Camellia treesneed ample water, fertilizer, and sunlight,” Wu Tian said, “With fertile soil, we mainly water the camellia tree in midsummer, especially during periods of drought, twice a day before 7 AM and after 6 PM respectively”.


The tree, growing halfway up the mountain between ravines, can absorb plenty of sunlight.


“It is extremely fragile when its branches and leaves freeze in winter, just like the delicate blood vessels and bones of the elderly”. Wu Tian further explained the solutionto be: “As long as the temperature is higher than 0℃, the tree wont freeze. So, we raise its surrounding temperature with dry straw smoulder two or three meters away from it, sometimes with a layer of plastic film”.


Shi Hongwen saidowing to the trees healthy state,they hardly encountered any diseases and pests, except that the original trunk was partially covered with moss. The personnel in the scenic spot scraped the moss clean, and meanwhile the local rot was cleared and coated with a copper sulfate solution for antisepsis and sterilization.


Camellia treesprimarily grow in slightly acidic soil in the south of the Yangtze River. But what distinguishes the ancient camellia tree in Wuhan?


Shi Hongwen added, “The ancient camellia tree has thrivedfor such a long time due to the favorable location, thick soil layer, sufficient sunlight, pleasant climate and meticulous care”.



14 Camellia Trees in Hubei Provinceand a 1400-year-old One


In the Garden, the ancient camellia tree is surrounded by over 300 pink or red camellias. “These camellias were planted in the 1980s”, said Wu Tian.


Wu Tian introduced that an ancient camellia theme park is being built in the scenic spot to highlight the key position oftheancient camellia tree and better protect it. At the same time, in order to ensure sufficient sunlight and fresh air in the garden, more than 100 camellia trees were transplanted at the entrance of the garden, which also further beautified thescenery. In addition, a tall stela“Jiu Beishi” next to the gate further enriches the cultural connotationsof the theme park.


According to theRegulations on the Protection of Ancient and Famous Trees and Subsequent Resources of Ancient Trees in Wuhan City, Shi Hongwen specifically mentioned avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, and the bark of the treewhen moving the earth near the ancient tree,emphasizing the earth should be moved at a distance of five meters outside the crown of the tree. At the same time,further verificationof its related historical data and exploration of its cultural valueneeds to be carried out as thetheme parkis being established.


To honor Mulan and carry on her spirit of “loyalty, filial piety, bravery, and manliness”, the ancient tree is also known as the “Mulan Tree”.


The reporter learned from the Hubei Provincial Forestry Bureau that there are only 14 ancient camellia trees in Hubei, withthe oldest one being about 1400 years old, its roots firmly establishedin Sanjiaoshan Village, Zhulin Town, Qichun County.




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